Oct 22, 2012

Simdi Biliyorum.

Bir blog yazmaya karar verip basladigimda ne yazmak istedigimi ya da neden yazmak istedigimi bilmedigimi soylemstim. Yazabilecegim cok sey olmasina ragmen, kendimi bir blogger gibi hissetmiyordum. Simdi ne yazacagimi biliyorum. Lagos, Nijerya’daki hayatimiz, bulundugumuz tum diger yerler, insanlar ve bizi etkileyen seyler.. Bu dusunceler ve istekle hemen yazmaya basladim. Ne var ki benim hem Ingilizce hem Turkce yazmam kolay olmayacak. Once bir dilde yazip, yazdiklarimi sekle semale sokunca diger dilde yazacaklarim ister istemez ceviri haline geliyor. Halbuki hepimiz biliyoruz ki dillerin kendi ritimleri, notalari var ve bir dilde ifade etme hali oteki dile aynen cevrilemiyor. Gelgelim ilk hangi dilde yazmissam onu unutup ikinci dilde kendinden bagimsiz bir metin yazmak da zor. Bir anda kendimi tutuk tutuk hecelerken buluyorum. Turkceyle bir seyler anlatabilme yetim Ingilizceyle memkun olmuyor. Kafam karisik, bu konuda kendimi ozgur birakmaya karar verdim. Bu noktada Bedri Rahmi Eyuboglu imdadima yetissin madem oyle. ÜÇ DİL En azından üç dil bileceksin En azından üç dilde Ana avrat dümdüz gideceksin En azından üç dil bileceksin En azından üç dilde düşünüp rüya göreceksin En azından üç dil Birisi ana dilin Elin ayağın kadar senin Ana sütü gibi tatlı Ana sütü gibi bedava Nenniler, masallar, küfürler de caba Ötekiler yedi kat yabancı Her kelime arslan ağzında Her kelimeyi bir bir dişinle tırnağınla Kök sökercesine söküp çıkartacaksın Her kelimede bir tuğla boyu yükselecek Her kelime bir kat daha artacaksın En azından üç dil bileceksin En azından üç dilde Canımın içi demesini Canım ağzıma geldi demesini Kırmızı gülün alı var demesini Nerden ince ise ordan kopsun demesini Atın ölümü arpadan olsun demesini Keçiyi yardan uçuran bir tutam ottur demesini İnsanın insanı sömürmesi Rezilliğin dik alası demesini Ne demesi be Gümbür gümbür gümbürdemesini becereceksin En azından üç dil bileceksin En azından üç dilde Ana avrat dümdüz gideceksin En azından üç dil Çünkü sen ne tarih ne coğrafya Ne şu ne busun Oğlum Mernuş Sen otobüsü kaçırmış bir milletin çocuğusun.

Now, I know.

When I started my blog with one entry, I wrote that I didn’t know why I want to write a blog or what I’d write on it. Although, I had lots to write about, I didn’t feel like a blogger. Now, I know… Our life in Lagos, Nigeria and all other places, people, things touched our life. We arrived to Lagos on 21 August 2012. It was a very long journey from Melbourne, Australia. Our plane was Qatar Airways and we were on business class. Wasn’t that nice?! Josephine enjoyed the seats more than anyone else on the plane. She slept nicely on one of them as if she is in her own bed and when she didn’t sleep we played on it. There was one thing that I feel regretful for not having a photo of: The menu on the plane. It was written as below; Traditional Arabic Mezze – Hummus etc. etc. and GREEK salad?!?! Himm since when Greeks are Arabic? We’ve played who want to be a millionaire with Chris while Jo is sleeping. Chris became a millionaire! I was nervous. Especially, when we got on the plane in Doha, I said to myself “There is no going back now” Sweet husband had to encourage me a bit and I was all OK again. Well almost 8 hours later we were there (here). It was not bad at all. I actually felt suddenly that all was good and I was going to enjoy living here. I found myself again; I found “the construction chick” in me. Joey was hung in front of me for almost an hour while we were waiting for our luggages and her pram. She was luckily (I don’t know how I can thank her for that) very quiet and didn’t make a fuss. I believe she was hammered and she didn’t know how to react. Obviously, it was all new to her as well: People around her, the smells, the heat and everything you can think of. When I was in Turkey, Chris has already started to work in Lagos. So he prepared everything for me and Jo. He even found a lovely nanny. Because I work here too and someone needs to look after Jo. Her name is Rose and Jo seems to like her a lot. I hope she will continue doing that, will continue being a sweet smiling girl and also will remain healthy. We arrived to our apartment where families also work for our company as well in it. It is a new apartment with 3 br. and furnished. It took couple of days to settle, empty the luggages and go to supermarket shopping. I was feeling good till we went to the shop. I was disappointed. Because everyone I talked to told me that you can find everything you want in Lagos. Even though you have to go to a few shops and pay the price, still you can get fresh vegetables, fruits (even organic!!) Well, maybe not that shop! To raise my spirit up, I had to try other shops on the weekend. Now, it is all better. We finally know what to get where from.