Oyle birisi su ana kadar karsima cikmadi ama olur a birisi yeterince anne olmadigimi falan iddia ederse elimde kapi gibi bir doktor raporu var.
Gecen sene Christmas'tan itibaren bilegimde minik tiklamalarla kendini belli eden, ne var ki hic agritmayan bu dert aylar gectikce agriya, ani sancilara yerini birakti.
Avustralya'da her daim gittigimiz klinikte, zaten yogun olmalarinin ve benim de kendimi kizimin asi randevusunun arasina koymus olmamin yarattigi isteksizlikle iki aspirin al, bir de voltaren sur diyen doktorun (kendi doktorumuz degildi bilmem soylememe gerek var mi?) aklini seveyim. Lagos'a donup de benim bilegimdeki o tik tik gecmeyince, Istanbul'da doktora gitmeye karar vermistim. Zaten Istanbul'a gelince (buna da sukur!) doktor doktor geziyorum ben. Goren de hastayim sanacak. Herneyse.. Istanbul'daki doktora olan biteni anlatinca saaaak diye onume bu "De Quervain" sendromunu cikardi kendisi. Yine ayni saaaaak efektiyle ameliyat onerdi ki o anda hissettiklerimi sozcuklere dokemiyorum. Nasil yani? Basit bir agri, basit bir tik tik, bir atel ve biraz surme ilac, icme ilac falan gecerdi saniyordum. Olmazmis. Kas ve tendonlar o minik tunelcigin icinde bir o tarafa bir bu tarafa gecerken zedelenirmis ve uzun vadede daha kopma olursa daha buyuk sikintilara yol acarmis. Ben ameliyat olursam kolumu kullanmayayim deme sansim yok. Hele simdi tatile geldim, ameliyat nasil olurum? diye aglamakli oldugum icin kendisi gunde uc kere voltaren surmek, basparmak destekli atel takmak ve aksamlari buz kompresi yapmak sartiyla simdilik idare edebilecegimi soyledi.
Neyse ise geldim ve gordum ki herkes anlatmaya calistigim ama tek tek de neden atel taktigima aciklik getirmek istemedigim(bkz. hem ilgilenin hem de sikbogaz etmeyin kardesim sendromu)bu konuyu yanlis anlamaya meyilli. De Quervain'i Karpal Tunel sendorumuyla karistiriyor herkes. Ancak hayir oyle degil. Yine bilekte ama basparmagin bitiminde kemikli gibi hissedilen bolgede olusan bir sorun bu.
Bilin bakalim bunun diger adi ne? Mommy's Thumb:) Ha ha haaa. Doktoruma bana hamileyken cok kilo aldiniz mi? Odem oldu mu? gibi sorularina "Hayir, hicbiri olmadi" diyerek cemkirirken, asil olayi bilmiyormusum meger. Bebekleri yanlis tasimaktan olabiliyormus bu. Gerci kesin bir kaniti yok bu sendromun sebeplerinin ama cokca goruluyormus annelerde. Hani bebegimizi kaldirirken koltuk altlarindan tutariz basparmagimiz hafif acilir ve elden uzaklasir ya, iste o hareket meger cok kotuymus eller icin. Eh bu saatten sonra yapacak bir sey yok. Ameliyat olacak miyim onu da bilmiyorum. Baska cozum olur mu? Ise yarar mi? Kaliciligi nedir onu da bilmiyorum. Sadece ben yandim ,siz yanmayin diyor, bebelerinizi kaldirirken narin bileklerinize abanmayin demek istiyorum.
Sevgili kocama, bahce isleri yapanlarda da oluyormus bak diye bir yazi gonderdigimde, bana guldu. Neymis bir tek agac dikmekle olmazmis o is. Soktugum otlari, kazdigim cukuru, icine koydugum bilmem kac kilo agirligindaki agaci ve sonradan kurekle vs. kapattigim o alani yeterli bulmadi. E ondan sonra aciga cikti bu sendrom. Icimdeki bahcivani ne yapayim ben simdi? Eylemlerim devam edecektir.
Iste agacimiz da bu. Ozene bezene aldigim Teddy Bear manolyasi.
Apr 30, 2013
Apr 22, 2013
We've had a very nice weekend. Lots of good food, nice companion and fun.
On Saturday, after our traditional weekly grocery shopping, we decided to take the offer from our colleague and go to this Mexican Restaurant named "Bottles"
It had few tables occupied but rest of the restaurant was empty, including the nice pub looking outdoor area. Inside, it was typical Mexican decoration. Colourful walls with some artwork on them, wooden tables & chairs.
Before we left the house, I asked my husband if we should take Jo's pram with us. The answer was "No need". I was a bit grumpy with that answer thinking that "Well, now again there will be no highchairs and it will be my job to handle her while we eat" Suprise, surprise!!!! THey had a brand new Mothercare highchair!! I couldn't believe it! Lots of points to Bottles for that.
However, I cannot say the same things for their food. It was average. We had corn chips first thing we sat at the table with Salsa sauce. Chips were good but sauce was not fresh. Fajitas which I had was good but nothing special. Husband had tacos and he didn't think they were good. We had a pitcher of frozen Margharita and I liked it a lot.
Our friend asked for hot chilli sauce to enjoy the rest of the corn chips but after repeating our request twice (1 hour waiting period), we realized it has been forgotten.
We learnt that on Wednesdays, the place is full to the ceiling and live band on Wednesdays as well as Saturdays.
In the end, we had mixed feelings about this place. We are not going to go back there running but we wouldn't put it aside into a list of "not-going-to-go-again"
On Saturday, after our traditional weekly grocery shopping, we decided to take the offer from our colleague and go to this Mexican Restaurant named "Bottles"
It had few tables occupied but rest of the restaurant was empty, including the nice pub looking outdoor area. Inside, it was typical Mexican decoration. Colourful walls with some artwork on them, wooden tables & chairs.
Before we left the house, I asked my husband if we should take Jo's pram with us. The answer was "No need". I was a bit grumpy with that answer thinking that "Well, now again there will be no highchairs and it will be my job to handle her while we eat" Suprise, surprise!!!! THey had a brand new Mothercare highchair!! I couldn't believe it! Lots of points to Bottles for that.
However, I cannot say the same things for their food. It was average. We had corn chips first thing we sat at the table with Salsa sauce. Chips were good but sauce was not fresh. Fajitas which I had was good but nothing special. Husband had tacos and he didn't think they were good. We had a pitcher of frozen Margharita and I liked it a lot.
Our friend asked for hot chilli sauce to enjoy the rest of the corn chips but after repeating our request twice (1 hour waiting period), we realized it has been forgotten.
We learnt that on Wednesdays, the place is full to the ceiling and live band on Wednesdays as well as Saturdays.
In the end, we had mixed feelings about this place. We are not going to go back there running but we wouldn't put it aside into a list of "not-going-to-go-again"
Apr 19, 2013
Café Royal
Café Royal was an unexpected discovery for us at one of our lunch times. When we learnt that our famous Métisse (we decided to make peace with it and have lunch there after months but apparently not on Mondays!) is closed on Mondays.
Café Royal is few steps down of Métisse in the same building.
We liked it very much. It is clean, full of promptly attending waiters (as we go there at lunch break we need fast service) and full of tasty food. Tempura calamari as appetizer is more than enough for 2 people. If you are planning to have an appetizer and then main course, you might feel a bit full after your lunch.
We tried different meals there. All of them were big enough, tasty. Asian (tempura, noodles etc.), Middle Eastern (salads with cous cous, pine nuts, Lebanese pizza etc.) tastes as well as Western food such as burgers, pizzas, pastas..
The restaurant has a terrace that they renovated just recently. If you like outdoors, that is a good option.
Cafe Royal has also a bakery / patissérie named Chocolat Royale at the bottom of the same building. They have very nice, freshly baked bread and you can enjoy it with your lunch. We haven't tried it but bakery products (cakes, pastries, ice cream etc.) are apparently really good.
PS: We went to Café Royal on Friday to have lunch. As we didn't go there with our daughter, I never needed a highchair but I have seen one right in the corner of the place. So we can say it is child friendly. Well done!!
Café Royal is few steps down of Métisse in the same building.
We liked it very much. It is clean, full of promptly attending waiters (as we go there at lunch break we need fast service) and full of tasty food. Tempura calamari as appetizer is more than enough for 2 people. If you are planning to have an appetizer and then main course, you might feel a bit full after your lunch.
We tried different meals there. All of them were big enough, tasty. Asian (tempura, noodles etc.), Middle Eastern (salads with cous cous, pine nuts, Lebanese pizza etc.) tastes as well as Western food such as burgers, pizzas, pastas..
The restaurant has a terrace that they renovated just recently. If you like outdoors, that is a good option.
Cafe Royal has also a bakery / patissérie named Chocolat Royale at the bottom of the same building. They have very nice, freshly baked bread and you can enjoy it with your lunch. We haven't tried it but bakery products (cakes, pastries, ice cream etc.) are apparently really good.
PS: We went to Café Royal on Friday to have lunch. As we didn't go there with our daughter, I never needed a highchair but I have seen one right in the corner of the place. So we can say it is child friendly. Well done!!
Lagos, Nigeria
Apr 12, 2013
Dekastri, Rusya
Yil 2004.. Bir yildir Turkiye'de bir insaat sirketinde calisiyorum. Yeni mezunum, isimden memnun degilim ve fakat inatci bunyem yarida birakmaya razi gelmiyor. Iste o inat, bir seyi yarida birakamama ozelligim beni 2011 yilina, Cakarta'ya, sonra da 2013 yilina Lagos'a ve hayatimin tamamen degismesine kadar getiriyor.
Insaat sirketimizin isvereniyle insaatin olacagi yere, yani Dekastri'ye gitmek icin teklif aliyorum. 23 yasindayim ve hala kendimin bile inanamadigi bir guvenle "Tabii" diyorum. O kabulu takiben 6 yil boyunca dunyanin en buyuk sirketinde calistim ve hala calismaktayim.
Ekim 2004, Dekastri'ye yolculuk. Hayatimda hic ucaga binmemisim ve hic Turkiye disina cikmamisim. Varilacak nokta da ismi duyulmamis bir kucuk koy. Hatta rivayet, iscilerin cogunun Japonya'ya falan gittiklerini sandiklarini soyluyor!!
Halbuki Dekastri Rusya'nin Dogu Baskenti olarak anilan Khabarovsk sehrinden 12 saatlik bir araba (kamyon) surusu mesafesinde. Yilin 11 ayi karlar altinda. Yolun yer yer iki beyaz duvar arasindan geciyormus hissi vermesi bu nedenden...
Yolculuk rotasi Istanbul, Moskova, Khabarovsk ve sonra bir "monster truck" dedikleri kampyon - otobusle Dekastri'ye gidis.
Beni baslarinda sefleri bulunan 2 tane yeni mezun surveyor ile koyuyorlar ucaga. Onlar da benim gibi bu iste henuz cok yeniler. Benim erkek versiyonum:) Onlari hala cok severim. Ne de olsa yoldaslarim:) Moskova'ya vardik, bizi sirketin santiyesine goturduler. Havaalanindan otele, santiyeye vs. gidene kadar gectigimiz yerlere bakinip duruyoruz. Daha once Turkiye disinda bir yer gormemis bana buyulu gibi geliyor Moskova. Kalabalik, genis yollar, harika bir soguk ve bambaska insanlar.
Sonra 8 saatlik bir Moskova-Khabarovsk ucusu. Ucagin kanatlarinin alkolle yikandigi (daha sonra votkanin silecek suyu yerine kullanildigini da gorecek bu gozler) bir ucus. Vardigimiz kucucuk Khabarovsk Havaalani. Daha sonra yolcularini karsilamaya gelen zarif Ruslarin ellerinde hep cicek gorecegim havaalani da yine burasi.
Dekastri'ye varis. Yollar karli, kar, ormanlar ve bir kac arac disinda gozun gorebilecegi sey cok az. Bu bolge Khabarovsk'un sehir ambleminde gosterildigi sekliyle kaplan ve ayilara da yuva. Ne yazik ki soylari tukeniyor kaplanlarin.
Minik koylerde duraklama, tarifi buraya uygun olmayacak sekillerde tuvaletleri kullanma zorunlulugu ve saskinlik. Saskinligimin sebebi oncelikle karsilastigim bu bambaska dunya parcasi ve fakat bir de ben neyime guvenip de buraya gelmeye kalkistim aydinlanmasi.
12 saatlik yolu 42 saatte tamamlayarak kirdigimiz Proje rekoru, 6 haftada bir gittigimiz ve mutluluk iste budur dedirten kafe ve restoranlar, her gun inanilmaz guzellikteki cam ormanlarini ve donmus! okyanusu seyredebilmek, abakusle para hesabi yapilan, benim gibi Rusca bilmeyene bile cat pat Rusca ogreten marketler (magazin), birlikte calisma sansina eristigim guzel insanlar, herbirinin bana gozu gibi bakma cabasi ve daha neler neler var anlatacak ama sozu burada kesmezsem kimsenin okumayacagi uzunlukta bir yazi olacak. E ben de birileri beni okusun istiyorum.
Belki sonra devami gelir. Fotolar esliginde!
Insaat sirketimizin isvereniyle insaatin olacagi yere, yani Dekastri'ye gitmek icin teklif aliyorum. 23 yasindayim ve hala kendimin bile inanamadigi bir guvenle "Tabii" diyorum. O kabulu takiben 6 yil boyunca dunyanin en buyuk sirketinde calistim ve hala calismaktayim.
Ekim 2004, Dekastri'ye yolculuk. Hayatimda hic ucaga binmemisim ve hic Turkiye disina cikmamisim. Varilacak nokta da ismi duyulmamis bir kucuk koy. Hatta rivayet, iscilerin cogunun Japonya'ya falan gittiklerini sandiklarini soyluyor!!
Halbuki Dekastri Rusya'nin Dogu Baskenti olarak anilan Khabarovsk sehrinden 12 saatlik bir araba (kamyon) surusu mesafesinde. Yilin 11 ayi karlar altinda. Yolun yer yer iki beyaz duvar arasindan geciyormus hissi vermesi bu nedenden...
Yolculuk rotasi Istanbul, Moskova, Khabarovsk ve sonra bir "monster truck" dedikleri kampyon - otobusle Dekastri'ye gidis.
Beni baslarinda sefleri bulunan 2 tane yeni mezun surveyor ile koyuyorlar ucaga. Onlar da benim gibi bu iste henuz cok yeniler. Benim erkek versiyonum:) Onlari hala cok severim. Ne de olsa yoldaslarim:) Moskova'ya vardik, bizi sirketin santiyesine goturduler. Havaalanindan otele, santiyeye vs. gidene kadar gectigimiz yerlere bakinip duruyoruz. Daha once Turkiye disinda bir yer gormemis bana buyulu gibi geliyor Moskova. Kalabalik, genis yollar, harika bir soguk ve bambaska insanlar.
Sonra 8 saatlik bir Moskova-Khabarovsk ucusu. Ucagin kanatlarinin alkolle yikandigi (daha sonra votkanin silecek suyu yerine kullanildigini da gorecek bu gozler) bir ucus. Vardigimiz kucucuk Khabarovsk Havaalani. Daha sonra yolcularini karsilamaya gelen zarif Ruslarin ellerinde hep cicek gorecegim havaalani da yine burasi.
Dekastri'ye varis. Yollar karli, kar, ormanlar ve bir kac arac disinda gozun gorebilecegi sey cok az. Bu bolge Khabarovsk'un sehir ambleminde gosterildigi sekliyle kaplan ve ayilara da yuva. Ne yazik ki soylari tukeniyor kaplanlarin.
Minik koylerde duraklama, tarifi buraya uygun olmayacak sekillerde tuvaletleri kullanma zorunlulugu ve saskinlik. Saskinligimin sebebi oncelikle karsilastigim bu bambaska dunya parcasi ve fakat bir de ben neyime guvenip de buraya gelmeye kalkistim aydinlanmasi.
12 saatlik yolu 42 saatte tamamlayarak kirdigimiz Proje rekoru, 6 haftada bir gittigimiz ve mutluluk iste budur dedirten kafe ve restoranlar, her gun inanilmaz guzellikteki cam ormanlarini ve donmus! okyanusu seyredebilmek, abakusle para hesabi yapilan, benim gibi Rusca bilmeyene bile cat pat Rusca ogreten marketler (magazin), birlikte calisma sansina eristigim guzel insanlar, herbirinin bana gozu gibi bakma cabasi ve daha neler neler var anlatacak ama sozu burada kesmezsem kimsenin okumayacagi uzunlukta bir yazi olacak. E ben de birileri beni okusun istiyorum.
Belki sonra devami gelir. Fotolar esliginde!
After we moved to Lagos, Nigeria I haven't been to anywhere with Josephine except supermarkets. That day, I was determined to take her and get out of the house. I was feeling brave and enthusiastic. I've heard Bistro7 from another Turkish friend here and apparently they had lovely brunches on Sunday. I was aiming to go there for lunch.
Although its location was very obvious to expats living in Victoria Island (VI), it was incredibly difficult to find it. (It has a big "7" on their metal parking area door) Because the building numbers were not in order. If they would have said it is right next door to La Pointe then we could just manage to get there much easier. After the hassle in the car with our good driver Moses, we got there. First experience for a mother in Lagos: check with the restaurant if they have a highchair!! Well, they didn't have it. When I asked for one, they told me that they've ordered few from overseas and they don't know the arrival date. I had to live with it. My husband wasn't with us and I was hungry. I ordered hamburger which was easy to eat it with a baby on lap. It was an average burger. I have eaten much nicer burgers in VI.
It was a nice restaurant. It had a nice garden with a big tree in the middle of it, it was quiet away from honking cars and loud people. Most importantly, I went out with our little daughter and managed to eat without making her angry or grumpy.
Although its location was very obvious to expats living in Victoria Island (VI), it was incredibly difficult to find it. (It has a big "7" on their metal parking area door) Because the building numbers were not in order. If they would have said it is right next door to La Pointe then we could just manage to get there much easier. After the hassle in the car with our good driver Moses, we got there. First experience for a mother in Lagos: check with the restaurant if they have a highchair!! Well, they didn't have it. When I asked for one, they told me that they've ordered few from overseas and they don't know the arrival date. I had to live with it. My husband wasn't with us and I was hungry. I ordered hamburger which was easy to eat it with a baby on lap. It was an average burger. I have eaten much nicer burgers in VI.
It was a nice restaurant. It had a nice garden with a big tree in the middle of it, it was quiet away from honking cars and loud people. Most importantly, I went out with our little daughter and managed to eat without making her angry or grumpy.
Victoria Island
Apr 9, 2013
Pizze-Riah in Lagos
We've heard nice things about Pizze-Riah so decided to go and try it ourselves. We liked it. I think it is because we felt "normal". We went out as a normal family who wants to have a quick bite before weekly groceries shopping.
It is a small pizza place. Nice air-conditioning inside but not many tables. It is very friendly outdoor setting with fans however they don't cool you down much. Still we sat outside near a fan under a shade and very close to the pizza oven. They prepare the pizzas in front of you. More than 20 pizzas on their menu. You can order it on the phone and pick it up from the restaurant.
We went there with our 14 months old daughter. I thought (regarding previous experience in another restaurant) there would be no high chairs and I was right on that. There is not highchairs so, if you want to go with your kids, please keep that in mind.
Pizzas were nice. Thin, crusty and freshly cooked. If you are used to American style pizzas with lots of mixed ingredients, then Pizze-Riah pizzas might be a bit different for you. They are very much so Italian style. The place was full of families eating nice food and enjoying the outdoors (even though very hot) time.
We've got their number on our phones. I am sure we will eat their pizzas again.
6 April 2013
It is a small pizza place. Nice air-conditioning inside but not many tables. It is very friendly outdoor setting with fans however they don't cool you down much. Still we sat outside near a fan under a shade and very close to the pizza oven. They prepare the pizzas in front of you. More than 20 pizzas on their menu. You can order it on the phone and pick it up from the restaurant.
We went there with our 14 months old daughter. I thought (regarding previous experience in another restaurant) there would be no high chairs and I was right on that. There is not highchairs so, if you want to go with your kids, please keep that in mind.
Pizzas were nice. Thin, crusty and freshly cooked. If you are used to American style pizzas with lots of mixed ingredients, then Pizze-Riah pizzas might be a bit different for you. They are very much so Italian style. The place was full of families eating nice food and enjoying the outdoors (even though very hot) time.
We've got their number on our phones. I am sure we will eat their pizzas again.
6 April 2013
Lagos, Nigeria
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